Manitoba Sunshine List 2022 is a database of Manitoba public sector employees who earned more than 75,000 in 2021 and entered the Manitoba Sunshine List.

Salary Name Position
earned in 2021
Leah Friesen RN4, Infection Control
Northern Regional Health Authority
earned in 2021
Jeffrey French Vice-Principal
Mystery Lake School District
earned in 2021
Alison Loschiavo Nurse
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
earned in 2021
Binoy Komban Francis LPN
Prairie Mountain Health
earned in 2021
Pamela A Perkins Professor
University of Manitoba
earned in 2021
Simone Greening Clinical Resource Nurse IV
Prairie Mountain Health
earned in 2021
Brian Cameron Principal
Louis Riel School Division
earned in 2021
Karen Magnusson Principal
Louis Riel School Division
earned in 2021
Paula Jill Mathez Principal
Louis Riel School Division
earned in 2021
Alessandro Campomanes Director, Advancement Services
University of Manitoba
earned in 2021
Shannon Lindstrom RN2, Obs
Northern Regional Health Authority
earned in 2021
T Clarke Executive Officer 3
Manitoba Government
earned in 2021
Michael Dickman Professeur
Université de Saint-Boniface
earned in 2021
Moses Nyongwa Professeur
Université de Saint-Boniface
earned in 2021
Jean Valenti Professeur
Université de Saint-Boniface
earned in 2021
Lori Wakeman Clinical Resource Nurse
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
earned in 2021
Doris Pua Registered Nurse
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
earned in 2021
Donna Romaniuk Provoncial Alternative Isolation Accommodation Manager
earned in 2021
Gerald Pelland Engineering Technician
Manitoba Hydro
earned in 2021
M Evans Legal Counsel 2
Manitoba Government
Page 146 of 1,953 - Total result: 39,046
Published March 2022

Manitoba Public Sector Salary Disclosure - Sunshine List 2022

In Manitoba, information on all public sector employees who were paid $75,000 or more in the year beginning in 2020 are subject to the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act..

At, we rank employees from organizations that received public funding from the Province of Manitoba and earn over $75,000 per year, including total taxable benefits.

This year's sunshine list includes the top earners in Manitoba, including:

2022 Manitoba Sunshine List: Top Earners

Every year, the Manitoba government publishes its annual Sunshine List of public sector servants with six-figure salaries. According to the document, Manitoba's 39,064 staffers made the Sunshine List, earning total compensation of $4,122,147,148.00 in 2021.

At the top of the Manitoba Sunshine List

Topping the list for Manitoba was Physician, Internist Hisham Tassi, who brought home $996,009.00 in 2021.

Following Hisham Tassi was Physician Brian Kuo, with annual earnings of $953,211.00. Physician Arun Sarker made $911,747.00, Physician Navrup Aery made $901,590.00, and Sr Medical Officer 1 R Zloty round out the top-five highest-paid employees with $893,863.00 for the Manitoba 2022 Sunshine List.

Breaking down the numbers

Among employees who received more than six-figure salaries in 2021, 7,491 received earnings between $100,000 and $110,000 followed by 8,052 who received between $110,001 and $150,000 , 1,576 received between $150,001 and $200,000 , 279 received between $200,001 and $250,000 , 156 received between $250,001 and $300,000 , and 21,510 received over $300,000 at Manitoba.

  • Salary breakdown
  • 7,491 employees made between $100,000 to $110,000
  • 8,052 employees made between $110,000 to $150,000
  • 1,576 employees made between $150,000 to $200,000
  • 279 employees made between $200,000 to $250,000
  • 156 employees made between $250,000 to $300,000
  • 21,510 employees made more than $300,000

For a complete list of public sector employees who made the 2022 Sunshine List, go to Sunshine List 2022 Employees List. If you wish to analyze the list by the employer, go to Sunshine List 2022 Employers List.

Sunshine List Resources

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions about the Ontario Sunshine List.

The Ontario Sunshine List is the Ministry of Finance's listing of salary, benefits, and severance information. The Ontario Sunshine List is the province's annual list of public sector employees and publicly-funded agency employees paid more than $100,000 annually. For a complete list of names, go to

In 1996 the Ontario Sunshine List began as a way to ensure accountability to taxpayers through Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act. The annual list of public sector employees who earn over $100,000 per year or greater. aims to spotlight government spending and public funding to create awareness of where your money is being spent as a taxpayer. It lets taxpayers compare the performance of an organization with the compensation given to the people running it.

No, the Ontario Sunshine List does not include non-taxable benefits such as pension costs. The Sunshine List includes salaries and taxable benefits.

The Ontario Sunshine List is calculated by using a list of taxable salary, benefits, and severance information.

Yes, the Sunshine List does include bonuses, salaries, overtime, severances, and benefits.

Every year Ontario government publishes its annual Sunshine List of public sector servants, which includes nurses, teachers, police officers, and firefighters, with six-figure salaries. In Ontario, 244,390 staffers made the list, earning a total salary of $30,240,295,606.44 (more than thirty billion) in 2021.

The Ontario Sunshine List aims to shed light on government expenditures. The Sunshine List also helps the Ministry of Finance identify public sector employees who earn over $100,000 in salary and above.

Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act aims to provide transparency to taxpayers and accountability to the Ontario government regarding hiring practices. Public sector employees earn over $100,000 annually, so taxpayers are naturally interested in how and where their money is being spent. The Ontario Sunshine List is a resource to give taxpayers insight into the use of public funds.

Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act aims to provide transparency to taxpayers and accountability to the Ontario government regarding hiring practices. Public sector employees earn over $100,000 annually, so taxpayers are naturally interested in how and where their money is being spent. The Ontario Sunshine List is a resource to give taxpayers insight into the use of public funds.

The $100,000 annual income is calculated before taxes. If these public sector employees are paid $100,000 or more, then the total of these taxable benefits has to be disclosed.