Amy Morrell

Amy Morrell held the position of Senior Manager, Marketing, Planning and Customer Relationship Management / Chef principale, marketing, planification et gestion de la relation clientèle at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario in 2014 and received an annual salary of $103,976.98 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2014

Salary: $103,976.98

Position: Senior Manager, Marketing, Planning and Customer Relationship Management / Chef principale, marketing, planification et gestion de la relation clientèle

Employer: Liquor Control Board of Ontario

Category of Employment: Crown Agencies

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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  • Top Salaries at Liquor Control Board of Ontario in the 2015 Sunshine List
  • President and Chief Executive Officer / Président-directeur général
  • Executive Vice President / Premier vice-président
  • Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Insights / Vice-présidente principale, Ventes, commercialisation et veille de la clientèle
  • Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer / Vice-président principal, finances et administration, et chef des services financiers
  • Senior Vice President, Retail Operations / Vice-président principal, ventes au détail