Andrea Leis
Andrea Leis held the position of Dean, Career And Academic Access at the Conestoga College in 2016 and received an annual salary of $144,714.48 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2016
Salary: $144,714.48
Position: Dean, Career And Academic Access
Employer: Conestoga College
Category of Employment: Colleges
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Andrea Leis from 2007 to 2016 at Conestoga College
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2016 | $144,714.48 | $225.71 | 8.9% | Dean, Career And Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2015 | $132,842.04 | $210.61 | 0.0% | Dean, Career and Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2014 | $132,842.04 | $249.36 | 0.0% | Dean, Career and Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2013 | $132,842.04 | $267.84 | 0.0% | Dean, Career and Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2012 | $132,842.04 | $246.46 | 1.5% | Dean, Career and Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2011 | $130,860.75 | $264.09 | 3.6% | Dean, Career and Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2010 | $126,349.50 | $281.54 | 1.5% | Dean, Career & Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2009 | $124,489.26 | $313.94 | 3.6% | Dean, Career & Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2008 | $120,216.32 | $328.95 | 11.1% | Director, Career & Academic Access | Conestoga College |
2007 | $108,177.72 | $332.30 | N/A | Director | Conestoga College |
Andrea Leis experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.36% from 2007 to 2016. The salary in 2016 reflects a raise of 33.77% compared to the salary in 2007.
Top Salaries at Conestoga College in the 2015 Sunshine List
Chief Administrative Officer And General Counsel$252,999.96
Vice President, Academic Administration$187,772.66
Vice President, Student Affairs$184,481.04
Vice President, Applied Research And International Education$171,440.43