Andrea L. Tsuji
Andrea L. Tsuji held the position of Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead / Consultante en Développement et Responsable d'un Projet International at the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in 2014 and received an annual salary of $112,358.32 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2014
Salary: $112,358.32
Position: Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead / Consultante en Développement et Responsable d'un Projet International
Employer: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Category of Employment: Hospitals and Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Andrea L. Tsuji from 2012 to 2014 at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2014 | $112,358.32 | $357.78 | -2.9% | Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead / Consultante en Développement et Responsable d'un Projet International | Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital |
2013 | $115,671.28 | $326.17 | 11.2% | Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead/Consultante en développement et responsable d'un projet international | Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital |
2012 | $104,004.53 | $382.79 | N/A | Business Development Consultant and International Project Lead / Consultante en développement et responsable d'un projet international | Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital |
Andrea L. Tsuji experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 4.18% from 2012 to 2014. The salary in 2014 reflects a raise of 8.03% compared to the salary in 2012.
Top Salaries at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in the 2015 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer / Présidente-directrice générale$457,834.35
Vice President, Medicine and Academic Affairs / Vice-présidente, Médecine et Affaires universitaires$324,717.03
Physician Director / Médecin directrice$279,234.06
Chief Of Dentistry / Chef de la médecine dentaire$278,835.67
Vice-President of Research and Director of the Bloor view Research Institute / Vice-président de la recherche et directeur de l'Institut de recherche Bloor view$264,885.62