Andrew Turton
Andrew Turton held the position of Manager/Gestionnaire at the The Ottawa Hospital in 2021 and received an annual salary of $104,435.88 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2021
Salary: $104,435.88
Position: Manager/Gestionnaire
Employer: The Ottawa Hospital
Category of Employment: Hospitals & Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Andrew Turton from 2019 to 2021 at The Ottawa Hospital
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2021 | $104,435.88 | $17.04 | -2.5% | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital |
2020 | $107,129.65 | $45.48 | 5.8% | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital |
2019 | $101,280.43 | $368.14 | N/A | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital |
Andrew Turton experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.63% from 2019 to 2021. The salary in 2021 reflects a raise of 3.12% compared to the salary in 2019.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Manager/Gestionnaire at The Ottawa Hospital in 2021
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Richard Forget | $136,219.96 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Daniel Breton | $133,823.08 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Natalie Bruce | $133,101.46 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Heather Vanderzwan | $131,590.37 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Michael Hendley | $125,593.12 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Janet Brintnell | $125,517.94 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Tammy-Claire Troy | $125,269.56 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Teresa Seguin | $124,674.00 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Rosa Lamothe | $124,428.31 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Aline Mayer-Lalonde | $124,196.92 | Manager/Gestionnaire | The Ottawa Hospital | 2021 |
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Manager/Gestionnaire in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Top Salaries at The Ottawa Hospital in the 2022 Sunshine List
Executive Vice President, Research/Vice-président exécutif$522,501.80
Chief of Staff/Médecin-chef$396,002.24
Senior Research Scientist/Scientifique principal$355,136.93
Senior Medical Officer/Médecin principale$324,892.55