Bonnie Murphy
Bonnie Murphy held the position of Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet at the Transportation / Transports in 2023 and received an annual salary of $119,785.32 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2023
Salary: $119,785.32
Position: Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet
Employer: Transportation / Transports
Category of Employment: Government of Ontario - Ministries
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Bonnie Murphy from 2011 to 2023 at Transportation / Transports
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2023 | $119,785.32 | $156.55 | N/A | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports |
2017 | $101,615.54 | $158.40 | N/A | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports |
2011 | $101,515.03 | $151.76 | N/A | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports |
Bonnie Murphy experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.00% from 2011 to 2023. The salary in 2023 reflects a raise of 18.00% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet at Transportation / Transports in 2023
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Bonnie Murphy | $119,785.32 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Sabina Merey | $115,418.68 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Heather Glass | $115,418.68 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Nancy Elliott | $115,418.68 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Chien-Chi Chiang | $115,418.68 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Rebecca Palys-Cecco | $115,141.91 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Yan Yan Kam | $114,868.52 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Melissa Ma Delfino | $114,662.84 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Farah El-Moghrabi | $111,119.08 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Wan Ma | $106,960.18 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Transportation / Transports | 2023 |
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Shairose Alarakhia | $115,418.68 | Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieure principale de projet | Ontario Clean Water Agency / Agence ontarienne des eaux | 2023 |
Top Salaries at Transportation / Transports in the 2012 Sunshine List
Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre$334,018.56
Associate Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre associée$273,557.93
Director, Communications Branch / Directrice, Direction des communications$272,220.12
Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrated Policy and Planning / Sous-ministre adjoint, Politiques et planification intégrées$203,274.09
Assistant Deputy Minister, Transportation Infrastructure Management / Sous-ministre adjointe, Gestion de l'infrastructure de transport$196,632.16