Brian Brethour
Brian Brethour held the position of Director, Precinct Properties / Directeur, Locaux de l'enceinte parlementaire at the Legislative Assembly in 2015 and received an annual salary of $130,845.77 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2015
Salary: $130,845.77
Position: Director, Precinct Properties / Directeur, Locaux de l'enceinte parlementaire
Employer: Legislative Assembly
Category of Employment: Government of Ontario - Legislative Assembly & Offices
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Brian Brethour from 2002 to 2015 at Legislative Assembly
Brian Brethour experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.90% from 2002 to 2015. The salary in 2015 reflects a raise of 24.39% compared to the salary in 2002.
Top Salaries at Legislative Assembly in the 2003 Sunshine List
Clerk, Legislative Assembly / Greffière de l'Assemblée législative$219,396.58
Premier / Première ministre$208,974.00
Deputy Clerk & Executive Director, Legislative Services / Sous-greffier et directeur général des services parlementaires$191,781.84
Minister, Energy / Ministre de l'Énergie$182,436.12
Minister, Research & Innovation / Ministre de la Recherche et de l'Innovation$182,436.12