Caryn Mckee
Caryn Mckee held the position of Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne at the The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa in 2023 and received an annual salary of $133,553.93 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2023
Salary: $133,553.93
Position: Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne
Employer: The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa
Category of Employment: Hospitals & Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Caryn Mckee from 2011 to 2023 at The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2023 | $133,553.93 | $465.77 | N/A | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa |
2012 | $100,543.17 | $451.68 | 0.0% | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa |
2011 | $100,530.06 | $451.68 | N/A | Nurse Practitioner / Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa |
Caryn Mckee experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.01% from 2011 to 2023. The salary in 2023 reflects a raise of 32.85% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne at The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa in 2023
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Elizabeth Preston | $134,963.51 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Erin Mutterback | $134,407.51 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Wendy Laframboise | $134,372.58 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Erin Chapple | $134,342.17 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Caryn Mckee | $133,553.93 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Alison Vettorel | $133,386.75 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Linda Hamelin | $133,228.81 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Cheryl Levi | $133,068.08 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Conor Dean | $132,932.66 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Aspen Viets | $132,711.12 | Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne | The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa | 2023 |
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Nurse Practitioner/Infirmière praticienne in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Top Salaries at The Ottawa Hospital / L'Hopital d'Ottawa in the 2012 Sunshine List
Chief of Staff/Chef d'équipe$396,002.24
Vice President/Vice-présidente$356,500.00
Vice President/Vice-présidente$355,000.00
Senior Medical Officer/Médecin principale$339,200.16