Christine Lebert
Christine Lebert held the position of Manager, North East Region,/Gestionnaire, Région Du Nord-Est at the Centre For Addiction And Mental Health in 2022 and received an annual salary of $118,658.70 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2022
Salary: $118,658.70
Position: Manager, North East Region,/Gestionnaire, Région Du Nord-Est
Employer: Centre For Addiction And Mental Health
Category of Employment: Hospitals & Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Christine Lebert from 2016 to 2022 at Centre For Addiction And Mental Health
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2022 | $118,658.70 | $613.30 | -0.5% | Manager, North East Region,/Gestionnaire, Région Du Nord-Est | Centre For Addiction And Mental Health |
2021 | $119,207.98 | $693.23 | -2.3% | Manager, North East Region,/Gestionnaire, Région Du Nord-Est | Centre For Addiction And Mental Health |
2020 | $121,990.35 | $719.19 | 9.6% | Interim Senior Regional Manager/ Directrice régionale principale par intérim | Centre For Addiction And Mental Health |
2019 | $111,308.79 | $659.12 | N/A | Manager North east Region/ Gestionnaire, Région du Nord-Est | Centre For Addiction And Mental Health |
2017 | $105,688.56 | $548.43 | 2.6% | Manager, Northern Ontario Area / gestionnaire, région du nord de l’Ontario | Centre For Addiction And Mental Health |
2016 | $103,044.19 | $460.58 | N/A | Manager, Northern Ontario Area / gestionnaire, région du nord de l’Ontario | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health |
Christine Lebert experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.88% from 2016 to 2022. The salary in 2022 reflects a raise of 15.15% compared to the salary in 2016.
Top Salaries at Centre For Addiction And Mental Health in the 2017 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer / Présidente-directrice générale$642,102.53
Chief Radiochemist and Associate Director/Radiochimiste en chef et directeur adjoint$377,596.47
Scientific Director/Directeur scientifique$367,456.50
Senior Scientist, Section Head / Scientifique principale, chef de section$322,196.37
Senior Vice Principal Clinical Care/Vice-Présidente Principale, Soins Cliniques$318,696.66