Colleen Geiger
Colleen Geiger held the position of Chief Strategy and Stakeholder Relations, Research, Information and Knowledge/Chef de la stratégie et des relations avec les intervenants, recherche, information et connaissances at the Ontario Agency For Health Protection And Promotion in 2022 and received an annual salary of $274,083.30 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2022
Salary: $274,083.30
Position: Chief Strategy and Stakeholder Relations, Research, Information and Knowledge/Chef de la stratégie et des relations avec les intervenants, recherche, information et connaissances
Employer: Ontario Agency For Health Protection And Promotion
Category of Employment: Crown Agencies
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Colleen Geiger from 2016 to 2022 at Ontario Agency For Health Protection And Promotion
Colleen Geiger experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 9.91% from 2016 to 2022. The salary in 2022 reflects a raise of 64.02% compared to the salary in 2016.
Top Salaries at Ontario Agency For Health Protection And Promotion in the 2023 Sunshine List
Vice President, Science and Population Health/Vice-président Science et santé des populations$357,281.47
Chief Health Protection and Emergency Preparedness Officer/Directrice générale, protection de la santé et préparation aux situations d’urgence$352,544.57