Concettina Colasante

Concettina Colasante held the position of Executive Director/Directeur général at the The Ottawa Hospital in 2017 and received an annual salary of $181,507.15 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2017

Salary: $181,507.15

Position: Executive Director/Directeur général

Employer: The Ottawa Hospital

Category of Employment: Hospitals and Boards of Public Health

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Concettina Colasante from 2002 to 2017 at The Ottawa Hospital

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2017 $181,507.15 $784.81 -17.3% Executive Director/Directeur général The Ottawa Hospital
2016 $219,429.60 $1,066.08 4.0% Executive Director The Ottawa Hospital
2015 $211,057.42 $6,059.94 -6.8% Executive Director/Directeur général The Ottawa Hospital
2014 $226,344.64 $1,120.26 N/A Executive Director / Directeur général The Ottawa Hospital
2010 $219,655.80 $28,285.48 -3.4% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2009 $227,348.37 $29,392.20 8.2% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2008 $210,170.42 $29,189.78 7.8% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2007 $194,928.50 $26,308.53 4.7% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2006 $186,226.70 $27,258.44 1.0% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2005 $184,448.66 $27,120.74 10.2% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2004 $167,400.04 $25,566.09 6.1% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2003 $157,743.07 $22,433.91 16.1% Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
2002 $135,811.40 $12,605.06 N/A Vice President The Ottawa Hospital
Concettina Colasante experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.55% from 2002 to 2017. The salary in 2017 reflects a raise of 33.65% compared to the salary in 2002.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Executive Director/Directeur général at The Ottawa Hospital in 2017

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Concettina Colasante $181,507.15 Executive Director/Directeur général The Ottawa Hospital 2017
Cheryl Geymonat $122,697.39 Executive Director/Directeur général The Ottawa Hospital 2017

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Executive Director/Directeur général in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Rachel Solomon $178,820.60 Executive Director/Directeur général Centre For Addiction And Mental Health 2017
Jeffrey Hawkins $151,320.51 Executive Director/directeur général Hands Thefamilyhelpnetwork.Ca 2017
Robert Moore $142,063.95 Executive Director/Directeur général Centre For Addiction And Mental Health 2017
Carl Nicholson $139,773.88 Executive Director/Directeur général Catholic Centre For Immigrants Ottawa Centre Catholique Pour Immigrants Ottawa 2017
  • Top Salaries at The Ottawa Hospital in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • President/Président
  • Executive Vice President - Research/Vice-président exécutif, Recherche
  • Chief of Staff/Médecin-chef
  • Vice President/Vice-président
  • ConnectingOntario Northern and Eastern Region Clinician Program Lead/Chef du programme ConnexionOntario Région du Nord et de l'Est