Daniel Sutton-Long

Daniel Sutton-Long held the position of Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus at the Ontario Health in 2022 and received an annual salary of $116,916.22 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2022

Salary: $116,916.22

Position: Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus

Employer: Ontario Health

Category of Employment: Crown Agencies

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Daniel Sutton-Long from 2021 to 2022 at Ontario Health

Daniel Sutton-Long experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 10.30% from 2021 to 2022. The salary in 2022 reflects a raise of 10.30% compared to the salary in 2021.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus at Ontario Health in 2022

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Beverly Gail Urcia $159,013.62 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Emily Evans $147,392.19 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Janet Taylor $133,110.13 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Georges Harris $127,737.18 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Brittany Gravesande $124,111.32 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Cheryl Fair $123,999.87 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Diana Lee $123,370.25 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Monaliza Tacbas $122,569.00 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Susan Warr $119,257.33 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
Sharon Luk $119,210.95 Specialist, Organ and Tissue Donation/Spécialiste, Don d’organes et de tissus Ontario Health 2022
  • Top Salaries at Ontario Health in the 2022 Sunshine List
  • Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction
  • Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur
  • Executive Vice President, Medical/Vice-président exécutif, Services médicaux
  • Vice President, Prevention and Cancer Control/Vice-présidente, Prévention et lutte contre le cancer
  • General Counsel and Executive Lead Legal, Privacy and Risk/Avocate générale et responsable exécutif des affaires juridiques, de la confidentialité et des risques