Diane Chevalier
Diane Chevalier held the position of Directrice, Planification et initiatives stratégiques at the La Cité collégiale in 2007 and received an annual salary of $118,362.03 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2007
Salary: $118,362.03
Position: Directrice, Planification et initiatives stratégiques
Employer: La Cité collégiale
Category of Employment: Colleges
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Diane Chevalier from 2003 to 2007 at La Cité collégiale
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2007 | $118,362.03 | $729.30 | -10.0% | Directrice, Planification et initiatives stratégiques | La Cité collégiale |
2006 | $131,555.08 | $678.19 | 6.0% | Directrice | La Cité collégiale |
2005 | $124,142.46 | $658.27 | 6.9% | Directrice | La Cité collégiale |
2004 | $116,103.64 | $166.43 | 11.0% | Directrice | La Cité collégiale |
2003 | $104,598.98 | $546.07 | N/A | Directrice | La Cité collégiale |
Diane Chevalier experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.47% from 2003 to 2007. The salary in 2007 reflects a raise of 13.16% compared to the salary in 2003.
Top Salaries at La Cité collégiale in the 2004 Sunshine List
Vice-President, Services administratifs et services aux étudiants$173,495.41
Vice-President, Enseignement$172,957.18
Directeur exécutif, Bureau de développement$172,499.98
Vice-Pésidente adjointe, Enseignement$132,689.11