Dick Raha

Dick Raha held the position of Vice President, Finance & Administration at the Mohawk College in 2006 and received an annual salary of $164,046.58 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2006

Salary: $164,046.58

Position: Vice President, Finance & Administration

Employer: Mohawk College

Category of Employment: Colleges

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Dick Raha from 2001 to 2006 at Mohawk College

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2006 $164,046.58 $566.18 14.7% Vice President, Finance & Administration Mohawk College
2005 $143,032.75 $569.79 4.1% VP, Finance & Administration Mohawk College
2004 $137,454.26 $23.64 4.2% VP, Finance & Admin. Mohawk College
2003 $131,945.71 $206.19 10.5% VP, Finance & Administration Mohawk College
2002 $119,379.99 $186.38 13.1% Vice President, Finance & Admin Mohawk College
2001 $105,515.52 $340.91 N/A Acting Vice Pres. Fin. & Admin. Mohawk College
Dick Raha experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 9.32% from 2001 to 2006. The salary in 2006 reflects a raise of 55.47% compared to the salary in 2001.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Vice President, Finance & Administration at Mohawk College in 2006

Name Salary Position Employer Year
DICK RAHA $164,046.58 Vice President, Finance & Administration Mohawk College 2006
DALE SCHENK $146,000.01 Vice President, Finance & Administration Mohawk College 2006

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Vice President, Finance & Administration in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
COLIN GRAHAM $216,284.00 Vice President, Finance & Administration The Royal Conservatory of Music 2006
DUNCAN WATT $214,495.74 Vice President, Finance & Administration Carleton University 2006
NANCY SULLIVAN $193,218.00 Vice President, Finance & Administration University of Guelph 2006
VICKY PAINE-MANTHA $159,886.16 Vice President, Finance & Administration Nipissing University 2006
GLENN TOIKKA $145,427.73 Vice President, Finance & Administration Cambrian College 2006
JOHN K. G DONNELLY $135,434.00 Vice President, Finance & Administration Ontario Northland Transportation Commission 2006
MARGARET DRAGAN $130,018.68 Vice President, Finance & Administration The Lambton College of Applied Arts & Technology 2006
CAROL VINETTE-HANCHARYK $127,311.05 Vice President, Finance & Administration Erinoak Serving Young People With Physical Disabilities 2006
KEN CHAN $111,216.12 Vice President, Finance & Administration Surrey Place Centre 2006
  • Top Salaries at Mohawk College in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • $244,999.94
  • Vice President, Finance & Administration
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  • Vice President Human Resources Staff Services