Drago Macar
Drago Macar held the position of Manager, Fire, Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer at the City Of London in 2023 and received an annual salary of $135,604.08 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2023
Salary: $135,604.08
Position: Manager, Fire, Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer
Employer: City Of London
Category of Employment: Municipalities & Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Drago Macar from 2015 to 2023 at City Of London
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2023 | $135,604.08 | $2,943.25 | 5.1% | Manager, Fire, Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City Of London |
2022 | $129,077.80 | $1,073.12 | 4.2% | Manager, Fire, Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City Of London |
2021 | $123,908.55 | $1,028.18 | 1.8% | Manager III, Fire/Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City Of London |
2020 | $121,695.33 | $1,288.28 | 8.1% | Manager, Fire/Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City Of London |
2019 | $112,579.97 | $2,439.24 | 4.3% | Manager, Fire/Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City Of London |
2018 | $107,969.13 | $2,320.56 | 2.3% | Manager, Fire/Plumbing and Mechanical Building Engineer | City of London |
2017 | $105,527.36 | $2,298.11 | N/A | Manager, Plumbing Inspections and Mechanical Building Engineer | City of London |
2015 | $105,523.08 | $1,624.23 | N/A | Manager, Plumbing Inspections & Mechanical Building Engineer | City of London |
Drago Macar experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.68% from 2015 to 2023. The salary in 2023 reflects a raise of 28.51% compared to the salary in 2015.
Top Salaries at City Of London in the 2019 Sunshine List
City Manager$293,016.91
Fire Chief$271,314.50
Director, Building and Chief Building Official$228,931.62
Platoon Chief Manager$221,918.06
Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure$220,135.19