Ellen Rethore
Ellen Rethore held the position of Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Strategic Communication at the University of Waterloo in 2016 and received an annual salary of $183,674.94 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2016
Salary: $183,674.94
Position: Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Strategic Communication
Employer: University of Waterloo
Category of Employment: Universities
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Ellen Rethore from 2011 to 2016 at University of Waterloo
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2016 | $183,674.94 | $605.80 | 10.7% | Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Strategic Communication | University of Waterloo |
2015 | $165,929.92 | $642.36 | 3.0% | Associate Vice-President, Marketing & Strategic Communication | University of Waterloo |
2014 | $161,117.64 | $623.76 | 3.8% | Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Strategic Communication | University of Waterloo |
2013 | $155,262.20 | $475.92 | 3.9% | Associate Vice President Communication & Public Affairs | University of Waterloo |
2012 | $149,386.36 | $524.28 | 2.8% | Associate Vice President Communication & Public Affairs | University of Waterloo |
2011 | $145,271.68 | $1,194.74 | N/A | Associate Vice-President, Communication & Public Affairs | University of Waterloo |
Ellen Rethore experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 4.84% from 2011 to 2016. The salary in 2016 reflects a raise of 26.44% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top Salaries at University of Waterloo in the 2015 Sunshine List
Vice-President, Academic and Provost$305,000.04
Vice-President, University Relations$299,000.04