Estelle Thérrien
Estelle Thérrien held the position of Direction D'École at the Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières in 2015 and received an annual salary of $115,172.98 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2015
Salary: $115,172.98
Position: Direction D'École
Employer: Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières
Category of Employment: School Boards
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2015 | $115,172.98 | $840.84 | N/A | Direction D'École | Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières |
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Direction D'École at Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières in 2015
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Direction D'École in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Top Salaries at Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières in the 2016 Sunshine List
Directrice De L'Éducation$160,000.10
Agent De Supervision$145,830.10
Agente De Supervision$142,706.08
Agente De Supervision$131,877.97
Directeur Des Communications$129,399.92