François Brûlé
François Brûlé held the position of Gérant des projets d’immobilisations at the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence in 2019 and received an annual salary of $101,827.37 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2019
Salary: $101,827.37
Position: Gérant des projets d’immobilisations
Employer: Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence
Category of Employment: School Boards
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of François Brûlé from 2014 to 2019 at Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2019 | $101,827.37 | $0.00 | -10.8% | Gérant des projets d’immobilisations | Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence |
2018 | $114,155.66 | $303.60 | 2.2% | Gérant des projets d'immobilisations | Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence |
2017 | $111,713.40 | $721.50 | 0.5% | Gérant des projets d'immobilisaitons | Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence |
2016 | $111,205.51 | $702.40 | 2.0% | Gérant des projets d'immobilisations | Conseil scolaire catholique Providence |
2015 | $109,066.03 | $696.00 | 0.8% | Gérant des projets d'immobilisations | Conseil scolaire catholique Providence |
2014 | $108,180.02 | $696.00 | N/A | Grant des projets d'immobilisations | Conseil scolaire catholique Providence |
François Brûlé experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately -1.08% from 2014 to 2019. The salary in 2019 reflects a raise of -5.87% compared to the salary in 2014.
Top Salaries at Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence in the 2017 Sunshine List
Directeur général$201,392.32
Surintendant de l’éducation$169,184.56
Surintendant de l’éducation$169,184.56
Surintendant des affaires$169,184.56
Surintendant de l’éducation$169,184.56