Gail Harris
Gail Harris held the position of Director and Architect Web and Mobile Delivery / Chef et architecte, diffusion sur Web et appareils mobiles at the Ontario Educational Communications Authority in 2015 and received an annual salary of $142,974.88 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2015
Salary: $142,974.88
Position: Director and Architect Web and Mobile Delivery / Chef et architecte, diffusion sur Web et appareils mobiles
Employer: Ontario Educational Communications Authority
Category of Employment: Crown Agencies
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Gail Harris from 2013 to 2015 at Ontario Educational Communications Authority
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2015 | $142,974.88 | $1,747.18 | 3.6% | Director and Architect Web and Mobile Delivery / Chef et architecte, diffusion sur Web et appareils mobiles | Ontario Educational Communications Authority |
2014 | $137,998.97 | $1,562.14 | 8.8% | Director and Architect, Web and Mobile Delivery / Chef et architecte, diffusion sur Web et appareils mobiles | Ontario Educational Communications Authority |
2013 | $126,784.64 | $1,430.00 | N/A | Web Development Manager and Architect | Ontario Educational Communications Authority |
Gail Harris experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 6.23% from 2013 to 2015. The salary in 2015 reflects a raise of 12.77% compared to the salary in 2013.
Top Salaries at Ontario Educational Communications Authority in the 2014 Sunshine List
Host/Producer / Animateur/Producteur$314,261.63
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la direction$267,066.80
Vice President, Strategy, Marketing and Communications / Vice-président, stratégie, marketing et communications$198,000.08
Vice President, Current Affairs and Documentaries / Vice-président, actualités et documentaires$180,014.90
Vice President, Revenue and Product / Vice-président, revenus et produits$180,000.08