Gary Jazey

Gary Jazey held the position of Superintendent, Education at the Thames Valley DSB in 2004 and received an annual salary of $125,168.48 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2004

Salary: $125,168.48

Position: Superintendent, Education

Employer: Thames Valley DSB

Category of Employment: School Boards

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Gary Jazey from 1999 to 2004 at Thames Valley DSB

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2004 $125,168.48 $771.90 2.6% Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB
2003 $122,052.92 $677.34 3.2% Superintendent of Education Thames Valley DSB
2002 $118,218.00 $608.08 2.0% Superintendent of Schools Thames Valley DSB
2001 $115,900.00 $696.00 8.3% Superintendent of Schools Thames Valley DSB
2000 $107,000.00 $4,948.28 3.9% Superintendent of Schools Thames Valley DSB
1999 $103,000.00 $3,702.00 N/A Superintendent of Schools Thames Valley DSB
Gary Jazey experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 4.00% from 1999 to 2004. The salary in 2004 reflects a raise of 21.52% compared to the salary in 1999.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Superintendent, Education at Thames Valley DSB in 2004

Name Salary Position Employer Year
GARY JAZEY $125,168.48 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
MICHAEL SEREDA $125,027.04 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
JAMES EMPRINGHAM $125,027.04 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
LEO HUTCHINSON $122,527.41 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
KAJA HAVELKA $122,527.41 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
KAREN DALTON $122,527.41 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
KAREN WILKINSON $122,527.41 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
WILLIAM TUCKER $118,212.55 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004
DONALD BLAIR $118,212.55 Superintendent, Education Thames Valley DSB 2004

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Superintendent, Education in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
JOHN CRUICKSHANK $154,582.88 Superintendent, Education Peel District School Board 2004
GEORGINA BALASCAS $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
BERNICE BLACKMAN $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
ELIZABETH THOMPSON $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
TONY TUMMINIERI $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
SHARON TURNBULL-SCHMITT $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
JAMES WATT $142,353.95 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
JOHANNE MESSNER $142,182.54 Superintendent, Education Toronto DSB 2004
TONY PONTES $140,206.25 Superintendent, Education Peel District School Board 2004
BERISFORD RICHARDSON $140,206.25 Superintendent, Education Peel District School Board 2004
  • Top Salaries at Thames Valley DSB in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • Director, Education
  • Exec. Supt., Business/Treasurer
  • Exec. Superintendent, Operations
  • Exec. Superintendent, Human Srvcs.
  • Exec. Superintendent, Program Srvcs.