Giancarlo Di Giambattista
Giancarlo Di Giambattista held the position of Director Emergency Management at the Ontario Power Generation in 2014 and received an annual salary of $152,951.06 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2014
Salary: $152,951.06
Position: Director Emergency Management
Employer: Ontario Power Generation
Category of Employment: Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Giancarlo Di Giambattista from 2007 to 2014 at Ontario Power Generation
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2014 | $152,951.06 | $1,017.36 | -22.2% | Director Emergency Management | Ontario Power Generation |
2013 | $196,576.61 | $1,356.48 | 0.8% | Director Emergency Management | Ontario Power Generation |
2012 | $195,008.62 | $1,356.48 | -4.1% | Director, Emergency Management | Ontario Power Generation |
2011 | $203,353.60 | $1,356.48 | 3.7% | Director, Emergency Management & Business Continuity | Ontario Power Generation |
2010 | $196,136.57 | $1,243.44 | -0.8% | Director, Emergency Management & Business Continuity | Ontario Power Generation |
2009 | $197,639.06 | $1,468.94 | 3.4% | Director, Emergency Management & Business Continuity | Ontario Power Generation |
2008 | $191,171.45 | $1,214.40 | 9.5% | Director, Emergency Management & Business Continuity | Ontario Power Generation |
2007 | $174,537.70 | $969.60 | N/A | Director, Emergency Preparedness | Ontario Power Generation |
Giancarlo Di Giambattista experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately -1.38% from 2007 to 2014. The salary in 2014 reflects a raise of -12.37% compared to the salary in 2007.
Top Salaries at Ontario Power Generation in the 2012 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer$1,555,200.04
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer$1,208,155.82
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