Helen Macrae

Helen Macrae held the position of CAO at the Simcoe County in 2002 and received an annual salary of $124,238.28 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2002

Salary: $124,238.28

Position: CAO

Employer: Simcoe County

Category of Employment: Municipalities

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2002 $124,238.28 $189.20 N/A CAO Simcoe County

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning CAO in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
FRANKLIN WU $156,048.85 CAO Clarington 2002
JEFFREY FIELDING $145,907.44 CAO City of Kitchener 2002
STEVEN G. SLIVER $140,925.14 CAO County of Lanark 2002
STEVEN ANDREWS $131,920.00 CAO Town of Halton Hills 2002
R. ALAN CLARINGBOLD $131,027.27 CAO Town of Whitby 2002
JOHN ROBISON $129,097.12 CAO City of Kawartha Lakes 2002
MARIO BELVEDERE $128,340.64 CAO Town of Milton 2002
ROBERT B. PUHACH $125,766.76 CAO City of St. Catharines 2002
JAY CURRIER $121,294.02 CAO Town of Collingwood 2002
KEN ZURBY $120,694.17 CAO Town of Fort Erie 2002
  • Top Salaries at Simcoe County in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • $124,238.28
  • G.M. Finance