James Duncan

James Duncan held the position of Counsel at the Attorney General in 2007 and received an annual salary of $164,735.72 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2007

Salary: $164,735.72

Position: Counsel

Employer: Attorney General

Category of Employment: Government of Ontario : Ministries

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of James Duncan from 2001 to 2007 at Attorney General

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2007 $164,735.72 $232.92 -8.1% Counsel Attorney General
2006 $179,273.80 $290.95 11.7% Counsel Attorney General
2005 $160,563.03 $265.44 4.1% Counsel Attorney General
2004 $154,300.81 $267.93 1.8% Counsel Attorney General
2003 $151,520.68 $282.98 9.6% Counsel Attorney General
2002 $138,264.07 $294.48 -12.0% Solicitor, Social Housing Attorney General
2001 $157,081.11 $312.78 N/A Solicitor, Social Housing Attorney General
James Duncan experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.17% from 2001 to 2007. The salary in 2007 reflects a raise of 4.87% compared to the salary in 2001.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Counsel at Attorney General in 2007

Name Salary Position Employer Year
ROBERT CHARNEY $199,427.77 Counsel Attorney General 2007
JOHN HILL $195,686.05 Counsel Attorney General 2007
LESLIE MCINTOSH $195,686.05 Counsel Attorney General 2007
KIM TWOHIG $195,686.05 Counsel Attorney General 2007
KATHERINE L ANDREW $187,709.46 Counsel Attorney General 2007
KATHERINE KAVASSALIS $186,267.09 Counsel Attorney General 2007
JAMES BYRNE $185,162.69 Counsel Attorney General 2007
LAWRENCE FOX $183,161.57 Counsel Attorney General 2007
DANA HALL $183,161.57 Counsel Attorney General 2007
FRANCIS MENCARELLI $183,161.57 Counsel Attorney General 2007

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Counsel in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
ERIC DEL JUNCO $185,563.53 Counsel Ontario Human Rights Commission 2007
PHILLIP MORRIS $180,324.26 Counsel Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario 2007
SHARON BUCHANAN $179,725.13 Counsel Social Benefits Tribunal 2007
MARIE DYACH $179,077.85 Counsel Social Benefits Tribunal 2007
SHARON FFOLKES ABRAHAMS $164,805.20 Counsel Ontario Human Rights Commission 2007
ELVIRA A D'AMBROSIO $164,757.39 Counsel Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario 2007
CATHY PIKE $163,659.67 Counsel Ontario Human Rights Commission 2007
EDWARD WREN $158,572.97 Counsel Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario 2007
CLIFFORD BOWERS $151,232.29 Counsel Toronto District School Board 2007
JULIA SHIN DOI $150,630.00 Counsel York University 2007
  • Top Salaries at Attorney General in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • Deputy Attorney General
  • Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Court Services Division
  • Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Law
  • Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Policy/FJS Divisions
  • Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Legal Services