John Gormaly

John Gormaly held the position of Controller / Contrôleur at the Ontario Agency for Health Protection & Promotion / Agence ontarienne de protection et de promotion de la santé in 2011 and received an annual salary of $134,337.14 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2011

Salary: $134,337.14

Position: Controller / Contrôleur

Employer: Ontario Agency for Health Protection & Promotion / Agence ontarienne de protection et de promotion de la santé

Category of Employment: Crown Agencies

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Controller / Contrôleur in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
FRANK PANZETTA $184,492.66 Controller / Contrôleur Ontario Securities Commission / Commission des valeurs mobilières de l'Ontario 2011
VINCENT CORREIA $114,368.92 Controller / Contrôleur Legal Aid Ontario / Aide Juridique Ontario 2011
JOSEPH CARAMANNA $114,141.61 Controller / Contrôleur Community & Social Services / Services sociaux et communautaires 2011
JOHN WALLACE $105,353.04 Controller / Contrôleur Niagara Parks Commission / Commission des parcs du Niagara 2011
  • Top Salaries at Ontario Agency for Health Protection & Promotion / Agence ontarienne de protection et de promotion de la santé in the 2012 Sunshine List
  • President & Chief Executive Officer / Président-directeur général
  • Vice President, Science & Public Health / Vice-président, sciences et santé publique
  • Director Surveillance & Epidemiology / Directrice scientifique de la surveillance et de l'épidémiologie
  • Director, Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention / Directrice de la promotion de la santé, prévention des maladies chroniques et des traumatismes
  • Microbiologist Medical / Médecin microbiologiste