Karen Letourneau
Karen Letourneau held the position of Nurse Coordinator\Coordinatrice en soins infirmiers at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre in 2021 and received an annual salary of $103,332.42 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2021
Salary: $103,332.42
Position: Nurse Coordinator\Coordinatrice en soins infirmiers
Employer: Kingston Health Sciences Centre
Category of Employment: Hospitals & Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Karen Letourneau from 2019 to 2021 at Kingston Health Sciences Centre
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2021 | $103,332.42 | $732.39 | -2.5% | Nurse Coordinator\Coordinatrice en soins infirmiers | Kingston Health Sciences Centre |
2020 | $105,972.43 | $658.02 | 5.5% | Nurse Coordinator\Infirmière coordonnatrice | Kingston Health Sciences Centre |
2019 | $100,419.62 | $449.16 | N/A | Registered Nurse\Infirmière | Kingston Health Sciences Centre |
Karen Letourneau experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.52% from 2019 to 2021. The salary in 2021 reflects a raise of 2.90% compared to the salary in 2019.
Top Salaries at Kingston Health Sciences Centre in the 2022 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer \ Président-directeur Générale$559,999.11
Executive Vice-President of Quality, Partnerships and Regional Vice President of Cancer Care\Vice-Présidente administrative de la Qualité et des Partenariats et Vice-Présidente Régionale des soins aux Personnes Atteintes de cancer$304,865.00