Lisa Manuel
Lisa Manuel held the position of Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale at the Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto in 2013 and received an annual salary of $122,779.18 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2013
Salary: $122,779.18
Position: Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale
Employer: Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto
Category of Employment: Other Public Sector Employers
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Lisa Manuel from 2011 to 2013 at Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2013 | $122,779.18 | $433.61 | 8.0% | Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale | Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto |
2012 | $113,719.80 | $428.75 | -5.3% | Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale | Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto |
2011 | $120,112.39 | $348.30 | N/A | Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale | Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto |
Lisa Manuel experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.32% from 2011 to 2013. The salary in 2013 reflects a raise of 2.22% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top Salaries at Family Service Toronto / Famille Service Toronto in the 2013 Sunshine List
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif$164,714.53
Director, Financial Services / Directeur, Services financiers$124,264.63
President, Employee Assistance Program / Président, programme d'aide aux employés$124,264.62
Director, Changing Lives and Family Violence / Directeur, changer de vie et la Violence familiale$122,779.18
Director, Options & Building Inclusive Communities /Directeur, Options & bâtiment des communautés inclusives$108,703.06