Luc Trempe
Luc Trempe held the position of Directeur Serv Ressources Humaines at the Hôpital Montfort in 2014 and received an annual salary of $140,295.33 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2014
Salary: $140,295.33
Position: Directeur Serv Ressources Humaines
Employer: Hôpital Montfort
Category of Employment: Hospitals and Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Luc Trempe from 2011 to 2014 at Hôpital Montfort
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2014 | $140,295.33 | $280.80 | -6.0% | Directeur Serv Ressources Humaines | Hôpital Montfort |
2013 | $149,217.10 | $414.55 | 3.1% | Directeur Services Ressources Humaines | Hôpital Montfort |
2012 | $144,767.13 | $379.70 | 7.2% | Directeur, Ressources humaines | Hôpital Montfort |
2011 | $135,094.71 | $541.60 | N/A | Directeur | Hôpital Montfort |
Luc Trempe experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.42% from 2011 to 2014. The salary in 2014 reflects a raise of 3.85% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top Salaries at Hôpital Montfort in the 2013 Sunshine List
Président Directeur Général$415,993.49
Vice-Président Affaires Académiques$221,665.89
Vice-Présidente Services Cliniques$208,647.31
Vice-Président - Planification Et Développement$202,922.07
Vice-Presidente-Ressources Humaines$199,232.80