Margaret Wouters
Margaret Wouters held the position of Senior Manager, Policy and Research at the City Of Markham in 2021 and received an annual salary of $157,628.37 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2021
Salary: $157,628.37
Position: Senior Manager, Policy and Research
Employer: City Of Markham
Category of Employment: Municipalities & Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Margaret Wouters from 2012 to 2021 at City Of Markham
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2021 | $157,628.37 | $647.36 | -0.6% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City Of Markham |
2020 | $158,638.50 | $647.91 | 4.3% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City Of Markham |
2019 | $152,115.29 | $623.87 | 1.6% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City Of Markham |
2018 | $149,729.53 | $683.86 | 0.5% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City of Markham |
2017 | $149,011.75 | $622.24 | 3.7% | Senior Manager Policy and Research | City of Markham |
2016 | $143,683.02 | $618.54 | 0.5% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City of Markham |
2015 | $142,961.74 | $615.67 | 3.7% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City of Markham |
2014 | $137,798.84 | $712.37 | 9.0% | Senior Manager, Policy and Research | City of Markham |
2013 | $126,369.90 | $661.71 | 18.0% | Manager, Policy & Research | City of Markham |
2012 | $107,122.62 | $511.02 | N/A | Manager, Policy & Research | City of Markham |
Margaret Wouters experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 4.52% from 2012 to 2021. The salary in 2021 reflects a raise of 47.15% compared to the salary in 2012.
Top Salaries at City Of Markham in the 2020 Sunshine List
Chief Administrative Officer$304,425.84
Commissioner, Development Services$231,886.52
Commissioner, Corporate Services$231,886.52
City Solicitor and Director of Human Resources$220,166.21