Mark Robitaille

Mark Robitaille held the position of Controller at the Hydro One in 2004 and received an annual salary of $121,805.40 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2004

Salary: $121,805.40

Position: Controller

Employer: Hydro One

Category of Employment: Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Mark Robitaille from 2001 to 2004 at Hydro One

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2004 $121,805.40 $489.84 -6.2% Controller Hydro One
2003 $129,911.18 $475.44 16.7% Senior Electrical Area Supervisor Hydro One
2002 $111,275.14 $462.24 -9.7% Controller Hydro One
2001 $123,287.03 $449.76 N/A Electrical Area Supervisor Hydro One
Mark Robitaille experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.26% from 2001 to 2004. The salary in 2004 reflects a raise of -1.20% compared to the salary in 2001.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Controller at Hydro One in 2004

Name Salary Position Employer Year
ALAN NICHOLLS $176,905.95 Controller Hydro One 2004
CLAUDE POTVIN $161,897.18 Controller Hydro One 2004
TAM KENNEDY $149,092.52 Controller Hydro One 2004
DAVE BOATMAN $144,696.80 Controller Hydro One 2004
BILL CAMPBELL $144,633.14 Controller Hydro One 2004
TOM MACDONALD $142,277.30 Controller Hydro One 2004
GEORGE STARK $138,225.67 Controller Hydro One 2004
BARB LEE $138,044.72 Controller Hydro One 2004
KEVIN NOBLE $132,078.06 Controller Hydro One 2004
JOHN KAYE $131,710.65 Controller Hydro One 2004

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Controller in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
CAROL J. LYONS $147,586.21 Controller Liquor Control Board of Ontario 2004
FRANK PANZETTA $115,573.45 Controller Ontario Securities Commission 2004
CHEE K HO $114,240.08 Controller George Brown College 2004
TONY PAUL $106,446.72 Controller Hydro One Brampton 2004
ARMAND DE KEMP $105,764.13 Controller Ontario Pension Board 2004
KAREN RUDACHYK $104,885.27 Controller Georgian College 2004
DAVID HUGHES $104,597.83 Controller Lakeridge Health 2004
ZACHARY MAK $104,069.76 Controller Mount Sinai Hospital 2004
THERESE SAURIOL $103,378.51 Controller Mount Sinai Hospital 2004
LYNN HORLOR $102,207.72 Controller Town of Oakville 2004
  • Top Salaries at Hydro One in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • President/CEO
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