Michael Diamond
Michael Diamond held the position of Chair, Engineering, Trades And Corporate Training at the Conestoga College in 2017 and received an annual salary of $120,205.26 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2017
Salary: $120,205.26
Position: Chair, Engineering, Trades And Corporate Training
Employer: Conestoga College
Category of Employment: Colleges
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Michael Diamond from 2014 to 2017 at Conestoga College
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2017 | $120,205.26 | $245.97 | 3.5% | Chair, Engineering, Trades And Corporate Training | Conestoga College |
2016 | $116,183.16 | $305.89 | 8.8% | Chair, Engineering, Trades And Corporate Training | Conestoga College |
2015 | $106,784.28 | $283.04 | 6.0% | Associate Chair, Engineering, Trades and Corporate Training | Conestoga College |
2014 | $100,782.00 | $320.76 | N/A | Associate Chair, Engineering, Trades and Corporate Training | Conestoga College |
Michael Diamond experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 6.07% from 2014 to 2017. The salary in 2017 reflects a raise of 19.27% compared to the salary in 2014.
Top Salaries at Conestoga College in the 2018 Sunshine List
Vice President, Academic Administration And Human Resources$201,297.39
Executive Dean, Schools of Engineering And Information Technology, Trades And Apprenticeship, Food Processing$185,000.04
Vice President, Applied Research And International Education$185,000.04
Executive Dean, Schools of Business/Media And Design$185,000.04