Michael Mckinnon

Michael Mckinnon held the position of VP, Human Resources at the Windsor Regional Hospital in 2004 and received an annual salary of $125,052.96 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2004

Salary: $125,052.96

Position: VP, Human Resources

Employer: Windsor Regional Hospital

Category of Employment: Hospitals and Boards of Public Health

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Michael Mckinnon from 2000 to 2004 at Windsor Regional Hospital

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2004 $125,052.96 $5,958.16 0.7% VP, Human Resources Windsor Regional Hospital
2003 $124,142.46 $8,150.00 1.2% VP, Human & Organizational Dev. Windsor Regional Hospital
2002 $122,683.00 $760.00 6.7% Vice President Human Resources Windsor Regional Hospital
2001 $115,000.08 $608.08 0.0% VP, Human Resources Windsor Regional Hospital
2000 $115,000.08 $650.52 N/A VP, Human Resources Windsor Regional Hospital
Michael Mckinnon experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.15% from 2000 to 2004. The salary in 2004 reflects a raise of 8.74% compared to the salary in 2000.

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning VP, Human Resources in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
WALTER FIORAVANTI $198,288.64 VP, Human Resources Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation 2004
STEPHEN P. FOREMAN $195,034.94 VP, Human Resources William Osler Health Centre 2004
SYLVIA HALLIDAY $190,406.76 VP, Human Resources St. Michael's Hospital 2004
MALCOLM BERNSTEIN $170,191.15 VP, Human Resources Baycrest Ctr. for Geriatric Care 2004
STEVEN JACKSON $159,472.83 VP, Human Resources Workplace Safety & Insurance Board 2004
PATRICIA CROWLEY $143,152.98 VP, Human Resources The Scarborough Hospital 2004
DONALD SINCLAIR $137,417.76 VP, Human Resources Durham College 2004
DAVID CHOAT $134,228.08 VP, Human Resources The Scarborough Hospital 2004
NIRMALA PITT $130,791.62 VP, Human Resources Seneca College 2004
DOUGLAS DEMEO $117,813.68 VP, Human Resources St. Joseph's Care Group 2004
  • Top Salaries at Windsor Regional Hospital in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • President/CEO
  • Integrated VP, Finance/CFO
  • VP, Acute Care Srvcs./Chief Nursing Exec
  • VP, Corporate Srvcs & Medical Affairs
  • Supervisor/Clinical Physics Leader