Murray Chitra

Murray Chitra held the position of Chair at the Ont.Civillian Comm. on Police Srvcs in 2002 and received an annual salary of $164,715.65 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2002

Salary: $164,715.65

Position: Chair

Employer: Ont.Civillian Comm. on Police Srvcs

Category of Employment: Crown Agencies

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2002 $164,715.65 $350.92 N/A Chair Ont.Civillian Comm. on Police Srvcs

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Chair in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
DAVID BROWN $552,000.10 Chair Ontario Securities Commission 2002
KEVIN WHITAKER $131,855.50 Chair Ontario Labour Relations Board 2002
GRAHAM DAY $130,392.25 Chair Hydro One 2002
IAN MCPHAIL $128,777.23 Chair Environmental Review Tribunal 2002
G.R. RANDY BARBER $123,926.19 Chair Alcohol & Gaming Commission 2002
J.LOUIS THEORET $122,086.06 Chair Ont. Parole & Earned Release Board 2002
DOUGLAS CARRUTHERS $115,548.67 Chair Ontario Review Board 2002
MICHAEL BAY $115,153.47 Chair Consent & Capacity Board 2002
DENNIS CONDOS $115,153.21 Chair Hlth Prof Appl & Review Board 2002
MATTHEW GARFIELD $111,073.29 Chair Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario 2002
  • Top Salaries at Ont.Civillian Comm. on Police Srvcs in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • $164,715.65