Patrick Laferte
Patrick Laferte held the position of Directeur, Ressources humaines at the La Cité collégiale in 2008 and received an annual salary of $112,263.05 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2008
Salary: $112,263.05
Position: Directeur, Ressources humaines
Employer: La Cité collégiale
Category of Employment: Colleges
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Patrick Laferte from 2007 to 2008 at La Cité collégiale
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2008 | $112,263.05 | $482.53 | 5.6% | Directeur, Ressources humaines | La Cité collégiale |
2007 | $106,322.81 | $487.69 | N/A | Directeur, Ressources humaines | La Cité collégiale |
Patrick Laferte experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 5.59% from 2007 to 2008. The salary in 2008 reflects a raise of 5.59% compared to the salary in 2007.
Top Salaries at La Cité collégiale in the 2008 Sunshine List
Vice-Président, Services adminstratifs et services aux étudiants$190,195.32
Vice-Président, Enseignement$173,549.59
Directeur exécutif, Bureau de développement$172,499.98
Vice-Présidente Adjointe, Enseignement$158,760.16