Paul Clarence Hamilton

Paul Clarence Hamilton held the position of Detective Sergeant at the Region of Durham in 2002 and received an annual salary of $114,565.97 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2002

Salary: $114,565.97

Position: Detective Sergeant

Employer: Region of Durham

Category of Employment: Municipalities

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2002 $114,565.97 $503.52 N/A Detective Sergeant Region of Durham

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Detective Sergeant in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
ALAN COMEAU $109,615.93 Detective Sergeant Toronto Police Service 2002
RICHARD DE FACENDIS $107,464.40 Detective Sergeant Peel Police Services Board 2002
REGINALD PITTS $106,779.24 Detective Sergeant Toronto Police Service 2002
GARY GIROUX $104,024.50 Detective Sergeant Toronto Police Service 2002
KATHRYN MARTIN $102,187.40 Detective Sergeant Toronto Police Service 2002