Russell Charles Hughes
Russell Charles Hughes held the position of Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance at the City of Toronto in 2011 and received an annual salary of $119,601.45 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2011
Salary: $119,601.45
Position: Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance
Employer: City of Toronto
Category of Employment: Municipalities and Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Russell Charles Hughes from 2005 to 2011 at City of Toronto
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2011 | $119,601.45 | $683.70 | 5.1% | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto |
2010 | $113,812.04 | $671.44 | -25.3% | Area Supervisor Process Operations & Maintenance | City of Toronto |
2009 | $152,369.65 | $668.20 | N/A | Team Coordinator | City of Toronto |
2006 | $106,621.94 | $618.90 | 1.8% | Team Coordinator | City of Toronto |
2005 | $104,704.44 | $581.39 | N/A | Team Coordinator | City of Toronto |
Russell Charles Hughes experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately -4.60% from 2005 to 2011. The salary in 2011 reflects a raise of 14.23% compared to the salary in 2005.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance at City of Toronto in 2011
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
WAYNE PATRICK IMOUGH | $125,585.82 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
MICHAEL DANIELS | $124,898.10 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
BRIAN H. MORICE | $120,735.96 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
RUSSELL CHARLES HUGHES | $119,601.45 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
AMANPREET S. BAL | $118,185.64 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
DAVID L. WHISTON | $116,019.59 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
RICHARD SZIGETI | $115,997.83 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
WILLIAM MCINROY | $115,686.60 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
DOUGLAS ROBERT FULTON | $114,918.22 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
DANZHI WANG | $113,916.56 | Area Supervisor Process Operations And Maintenance | City of Toronto | 2011 |
Top Salaries at City of Toronto in the 2010 Sunshine List
City Manager$330,386.36
Medical Officer Of Health$294,302.61
Associate Medical Officer of Health, Director Communicable Disease Control$279,979.92
Associate Medical Officer Of Health$273,142.99
Associate Medical Officer Of Health$264,711.64