Shawn Best
Shawn Best held the position of Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin at the Timmins And District Hospital in 2022 and received an annual salary of $122,752.08 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2022
Salary: $122,752.08
Position: Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin
Employer: Timmins And District Hospital
Category of Employment: Hospitals & Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Shawn Best from 2014 to 2022 at Timmins And District Hospital
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2022 | $122,752.08 | $489.36 | 3.1% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins And District Hospital |
2021 | $119,049.45 | $503.74 | -2.7% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins And District Hospital |
2020 | $122,327.77 | $546.42 | 4.6% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins And District Hospital |
2019 | $116,961.00 | $513.99 | 0.4% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins And District Hospital |
2018 | $116,492.29 | $470.29 | 0.9% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins and District Hospital |
2017 | $115,438.70 | $117.76 | 1.8% | Physician Assistant/adjoint du médecin | Timmins And District Hospital |
2016 | $113,359.44 | $0.00 | N/A | Physician Assistant | Timmins and District Hospital |
2014 | $126,973.19 | $0.00 | N/A | Physician Assistant / adjoint du médecin | Timmins and District Hospital |
Shawn Best experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 1.17% from 2014 to 2022. The salary in 2022 reflects a raise of -3.32% compared to the salary in 2014.
Top Salaries at Timmins And District Hospital in the 2015 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer/présidente et directrice générale$301,547.59
Registered Nurse/infirmière autorisée$209,938.33
Vice President Clinical/Chief Nursing Officer/vice-présidente aux soins cliniques/chef de la direction des soins infirmers$192,787.25
Vice President of Human Resources/Director of Operations/vice-président aux ressources humaines/directeur des opérations$182,013.97