Stephen Rigby

Stephen Rigby held the position of President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction at the Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation in 2021 and received an annual salary of $115,605.82 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2021

Salary: $115,605.82

Position: President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction

Employer: Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation

Category of Employment: Crown Agencies

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Stephen Rigby from 2015 to 2021 at Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation

Stephen Rigby experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately -12.50% from 2015 to 2021. The salary in 2021 reflects a raise of -74.50% compared to the salary in 2015.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction at Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation in 2021

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Alfred Hannay $593,841.12 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation 2021
Stephen Rigby $115,605.82 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation 2021

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Mark Fuller $805,247.28 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Ontario Public Service Pension Board (Ontario Pension Board) 2021
Terence Young $402,543.58 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Independent Electricity System Operator 2021
Lesley Gallinger $391,746.86 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Independent Electricity System Operator 2021
David Lobo $337,637.54 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation 2021
Thomas Haig $112,750.02 President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation 2021
  • Top Salaries at Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation in the 2021 Sunshine List
  • President and Chief Executive Officer / Président et chef de la direction
  • Chief Digital and Strategy Officer / Dirigeant principal, Numérique et Stratégie
  • Chief Land Based Gaming and Business Development Officer / Dirigeante principale, Jeu en établissement et Développement commercial
  • Legal Services Director / Services juridiques (directeur)
  • Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer / Vice-présidente principale, dirigeante principale, Finances