Timothy Yardley
Timothy Yardley held the position of Group Manager, Implementation/Chef d'équipe, Mise En Å’uvre at the Cancer Care Ontario in 2015 and received an annual salary of $139,622.71 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2015
Salary: $139,622.71
Position: Group Manager, Implementation/Chef d'équipe, Mise En Å’uvre
Employer: Cancer Care Ontario
Category of Employment: Crown Agencies
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Timothy Yardley from 2012 to 2015 at Cancer Care Ontario
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2015 | $139,622.71 | $1,182.10 | 0.3% | Group Manager, Implementation/Chef d'équipe, Mise En Å’uvre | Cancer Care Ontario |
2014 | $139,178.34 | $1,577.85 | 6.1% | Manager / Directeur | Cancer Care Ontario |
2013 | $131,197.21 | $1,705.26 | 1.7% | Manager, Cancer Information Program | Cancer Care Ontario |
2012 | $129,042.79 | $1,730.48 | N/A | Manager, Cancer Information Program | Cancer Care Ontario |
Timothy Yardley experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.69% from 2012 to 2015. The salary in 2015 reflects a raise of 8.20% compared to the salary in 2012.
Top Salaries at Cancer Care Ontario in the 2014 Sunshine List
Vice President/Vice-Présidente$512,100.63
Chief Executive Officer & President/Chef De La Direction Et Président$501,834.58
Vice President/Vice-Président$441,499.57
Vice President/Vice-Président$308,472.14
Vice President/Vice-Président$264,451.40