Tracy Cunningham
Tracy Cunningham held the position of Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar at the King's University College in 2023 and received an annual salary of $141,722.59 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2023
Salary: $141,722.59
Position: Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar
Employer: King's University College
Category of Employment: Universities
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Tracy Cunningham from 2013 to 2023 at King's University College
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2023 | $141,722.59 | $14,001.40 | 5.2% | Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar | King's University College |
2022 | $134,697.17 | $13,313.46 | 6.5% | Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar | King’s University College |
2021 | $126,535.13 | $12,357.16 | 4.2% | Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar | King's University College |
2020 | $121,456.91 | $12,175.77 | 2.5% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2019 | $118,494.34 | $12,334.29 | 2.7% | Associate Registrar | King’s University College |
2018 | $115,373.46 | $12,005.63 | 2.6% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2017 | $112,462.71 | $11,563.66 | 2.0% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2016 | $110,257.66 | $11,343.07 | 2.1% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2015 | $108,027.09 | $11,231.56 | 3.7% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2014 | $104,159.32 | $11,026.25 | 0.5% | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
2013 | $103,654.99 | $10,539.31 | N/A | Associate Registrar | King's University College |
Tracy Cunningham experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.19% from 2013 to 2023. The salary in 2023 reflects a raise of 36.73% compared to the salary in 2013.
Top Salaries at King's University College in the 2017 Sunshine List
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