Uma Gupta
Uma Gupta held the position of Financial Controller / Contrôleur Financier at the The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in 2016 and received an annual salary of $143,829.50 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2016
Salary: $143,829.50
Position: Financial Controller / Contrôleur Financier
Employer: The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Category of Employment: Other Public Sector Employers
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Uma Gupta from 2011 to 2016 at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2016 | $143,829.50 | $258.27 | N/A | Financial Controller / Contrôleur Financier | The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences |
2014 | $112,881.78 | $276.16 | 5.0% | Financial Controller | The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences |
2013 | $107,489.49 | $263.16 | 1.7% | Financial Controller | The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences |
2012 | $105,717.21 | $258.78 | 1.8% | Financial Controller | The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences |
2011 | $103,864.20 | $254.28 | N/A | Financial Controller | The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences |
Uma Gupta experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.12% from 2011 to 2016. The salary in 2016 reflects a raise of 38.48% compared to the salary in 2011.
Top Salaries at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in the 2013 Sunshine List
Financial Controller / Contrôleur Financier$143,829.50
Director of Computing Services / Directeur des services informatiques$110,524.50