Valentina Nanushi
Valentina Nanushi held the position of Senior Solution Specialist/Spécialiste principale des solutions at the eHealth Ontario in 2019 and received an annual salary of $129,108.76 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2019
Salary: $129,108.76
Position: Senior Solution Specialist/Spécialiste principale des solutions
Employer: eHealth Ontario
Category of Employment: Crown Agencies
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Valentina Nanushi from 2013 to 2019 at eHealth Ontario
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2019 | $129,108.76 | $461.26 | 3.5% | Senior Solution Specialist/Spécialiste principale des solutions | eHealth Ontario |
2018 | $124,757.24 | $282.88 | N/A | Senior Solution Specialist / Spécialiste principal des solutions | eHealth Ontario |
2016 | $116,843.53 | $247.35 | 3.6% | Technical Consultant technique | eHealth Ontario |
2015 | $112,794.06 | $211.38 | -3.4% | Technical Consultant / Conseillère technique | eHealth Ontario |
2014 | $116,777.53 | $184.86 | 8.8% | Technical Consultant / Conseiller technique | eHealth Ontario |
2013 | $107,344.39 | $204.59 | N/A | Technical Consultant | eHealth Ontario |
Valentina Nanushi experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.49% from 2013 to 2019. The salary in 2019 reflects a raise of 20.28% compared to the salary in 2013.
Top Salaries at eHealth Ontario in the 2017 Sunshine List
Executive Vice President Technology and Operations/Vice-président directeur, technologie et opérations$331,471.36
Senior Vice President Customer and Partner Service Planning and Development/Vice-président principal, services à la clientèle et aux partenaires, planification et développement$305,062.33
Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Financial Officer/Directeur général de l’administration et directeur général des finances$265,394.73
Senior Vice President Infrastructure Services/Vice-président principal, services d’infrastructure$265,253.07
Senior Executive Officer/Administratrice en chef$245,570.48