Viviane Lapointe
Viviane Lapointe held the position of Chief Communications and Community Engagement / Chef des Communications et de l'Engagement communautaire at the Health Sciences North in 2018 and received an annual salary of $164,991.29 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2018
Salary: $164,991.29
Position: Chief Communications and Community Engagement / Chef des Communications et de l'Engagement communautaire
Employer: Health Sciences North
Category of Employment: Hospitals and Boards of Public Health
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Viviane Lapointe from 2014 to 2018 at Health Sciences North
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2018 | $164,991.29 | $411.48 | 1.2% | Chief Communications and Community Engagement / Chef des Communications et de l'Engagement communautaire | Health Sciences North |
2017 | $163,063.10 | $411.48 | -0.4% | Chief Communications and Community Engagement / Chef des Communications et de l'Engagement communautaire | Health Sciences North |
2016 | $163,693.26 | $411.48 | N/A | Chief Communications and Community Engagement/Chef Des Communications Et De L'Engagement Communautaire | Health Sciences North |
2014 | $158,646.27 | $411.48 | N/A | Chief Communications and Community Engagement / Chef des Communications et de l'Engagement communautaire | Health Sciences North |
Viviane Lapointe experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.27% from 2014 to 2018. The salary in 2018 reflects a raise of 4.00% compared to the salary in 2014.
Top Salaries at Health Sciences North in the 2017 Sunshine List
President and Chief Executive Officer / Président-directeur général$342,553.96
Vice President, Patient Services, Clinical Transformation and Chief Nursing Executive / Vice-président aux services aux patients, à la transformation clinique et chef de direction des soins infirmiers$339,631.19
General Practitioner, Systemic Treatment / Médecin généraliste en traitement systémique$273,591.73
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer / Vice-président principal et chef des opérations$232,118.54
Medical Director, Centre for Prehospital Care / Directeur médical, Centre de soins préhospitaliers$220,498.98