W. S. Cameron
W. S. Cameron held the position of Prof./Dean, Graduate Studies & Research at the University of Windsor in 2005 and received an annual salary of $225,443.12 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2005
Salary: $225,443.12
Position: Prof./Dean, Graduate Studies & Research
Employer: University of Windsor
Category of Employment: Universities
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of W. S. Cameron from 1998 to 2005 at University of Windsor
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2005 | $225,443.12 | $1,229.14 | 64.8% | Prof./Dean, Graduate Studies & Research | University of Windsor |
2004 | $136,774.05 | $561.60 | 1.6% | Prof./Dean, Grad. Stud. & Research | University of Windsor |
2003 | $134,619.96 | $594.26 | 4.2% | Prof., Dean, Fac. Grad. Stud. & Research | University of Windsor |
2002 | $129,187.44 | $624.72 | N/A | Prof., Dean, Fac. of Grd. Std. & Res. | University of Windsor |
2000 | $117,804.56 | $603.92 | N/A | Prof. Exec. Dean, Fac. Grad. Stud. & Res. | University of Windsor |
1998 | $110,442.58 | $458.40 | N/A | Prof/Exec Dean, Coll of Grad Stud & Res | University of Windsor |
W. S. Cameron experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 14.13% from 1998 to 2005. The salary in 2005 reflects a raise of 104.13% compared to the salary in 1998.
Top Salaries at University of Windsor in the 2003 Sunshine List
President, Professor$280,337.52
Provost/VP, Academic/Prof.$229,500.00
Prof./Dean, Graduate Studies & Research$225,443.12
Prof/CRC, Ind. & Man. Sys. Eng.$191,722.84
Vice President, Admin. & Finance$185,400.00