Yakov Milner
Yakov Milner held the position of Team Lead Software Development / Chef d’équipe, Développement de Logiciels at the Ontario Telemedicine Network in 2019 and received an annual salary of $134,537.79 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2019
Salary: $134,537.79
Position: Team Lead Software Development / Chef d’équipe, Développement de Logiciels
Employer: Ontario Telemedicine Network
Category of Employment: Other Public Sector Employers
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Yakov Milner from 2014 to 2019 at Ontario Telemedicine Network
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2019 | $134,537.79 | $690.90 | 3.1% | Team Lead Software Development / Chef d’équipe, Développement de Logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
2018 | $130,447.07 | $640.82 | 4.5% | Team Lead Software Development / Chef d'équipe, Développement de Logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
2017 | $124,823.58 | $607.56 | 1.6% | Team Lead Software Development / Chef d'équipe, Développement de Logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
2016 | $122,837.70 | $544.08 | 6.8% | Team Lead Software Development / Chef d'équipe Développement de logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
2015 | $114,980.92 | $498.51 | 1.4% | Team Lead Software Development / Chef d'équipe, Développement de logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
2014 | $113,439.74 | $446.26 | N/A | Senior Software Developer / Développeur principal de logiciels | Ontario Telemedicine Network |
Yakov Milner experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.49% from 2014 to 2019. The salary in 2019 reflects a raise of 18.60% compared to the salary in 2014.
Top Salaries at Ontario Telemedicine Network in the 2015 Sunshine List
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la Direction$626,262.27
Chief Operating Officer / Chef de L’exploitation$277,863.38
Vice President, Finance and Administration / Vice-présidente, Finances et Administration$266,133.11
Vice President, Adoption and Member Services / Vice-présidente, Adoption et services aux membres$261,884.28
Vice President Strategy and Analytics / Vice-président, Stratégie et Analytique$251,347.55