Natural Resources

Ontario Public Sector Salary Disclosure - Sunshine List 2003

Salary Name Position
earned in 2002
ART CURRIE District Manager, Kemptville
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
BARRY O'BRIEN Manager, Aviation Services
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
BRIAN WATTS Mgr., Infrastructure Services
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
CAMERON MACK Director, Fish & Wildlife
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
CATHY LEAHEY Coord, Compliance Assurance
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
CHARLIE LAUER Regional Director
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
CHRIS DAVIES Mgr., Wildlife & Nat. Herit. Sci. Sec.
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
COLIN MACINTYRE Human Resources Consultant
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
DAVID DAVIS Director, Corporate Business Service
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
DAVID DELAUNAY Director, Lands & Natural Heritage
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
DAVID HARNISH Enforcement Supervisor
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
DESMOND MCKEE ADM, Chief Information Officer
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
D FERGUSON Services Coordinator
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
FADIA MISHRIGI Director, Communication Svs. Br.
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
FRANK KENNEDY Director, Science & Information
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
GAIL BEGGS ADM, Field Services Division
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
GEORGE ROSS ADM, Corporate Services Division
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
GREGORY SONES Director, Enforcement Branch
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
JACK MCFADDEN Director, Aviation & Forest Fire Mgmt
Natural Resources
earned in 2002
Natural Resources
Page 1 of 3 - Total result: 49
Published March 2003

Ontario Public Sector Salary Disclosure - Sunshine List 2003

The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 makes Ontario’s public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. The act requires organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario to make public, by March 31 each year, the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more in the previous calendar year.

At, we rank employees from organizations that received public funding from the Province of Ontario and earn over $100,000 per year, including total taxable benefits.

This year's sunshine list includes the top earners in Natural Resources, including:

  • Top Salaries at Natural Resources in the 2003 Sunshine List
  • Deputy Minister
  • Regional Info. Mgmt., NWR
  • ADM, Field Services Division
  • ADM, Natural Resources Mgmt Div.
  • ADM, Forestry Division

2003 Ontario Sunshine List: Natural Resources Top Earners

Every year, the Ontario government publishes its annual Sunshine List of public sector servants with six-figure salaries. According to the document, Natural Resources's 49 staffers made the Sunshine List, earning total compensation of $5,785,955.69 in 2002.

At the top of the Natural Resources Sunshine List

Topping the list for the Natural Resources was Deputy Minister JOHN BURKE, who brought home $178,255.49 in 2002.

Following JOHN BURKE was Regional Info. Mgmt., NWR WAYNE WALSH, with annual earnings of $147,837.25. ADM, Field Services Division GAIL BEGGS made $144,562.96, ADM, Natural Resources Mgmt Div. PETER WALLACE made $144,068.65, and ADM, Forestry Division MICHAEL WILLICK round out the top-five highest-paid employees with $144,068.65 for the Natural Resources 2003 Sunshine List.

Breaking down the numbers

Among employees who received more than six-figure salaries in 2002, 21 received earnings between $100,000 and $110,000 followed by 27 who received between $110,001 and $150,000 , 1 received between $150,001 and $200,000 at the Natural Resources.

  • Salary breakdown
  • 21 employees made between $100,000 to $110,000
  • 27 employees made between $110,000 to $150,000
  • 1 employee made between $150,000 to $200,000

For a complete list of public sector employees who made the 2003 Sunshine List, go to Sunshine List 2003 Employees List. If you wish to analyze the list by the employer, go to Sunshine List 2003 Employers List.