Cabinet Office

Ontario Public Sector Salary Disclosure - Sunshine List 2015

Salary Name Position
earned in 2014
Alana Guest Director, Communications and Digital / Directrice, communications et numérique
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Alan Veerman Project Director / Directeur de projet
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Andrew R. Hope Senior Policy Advisor / Conseiller principal en politiques
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Anna K. Macdonald Senior Policy Advisor / Conseillère principale en politiques
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Anna Valerio Deputy Clerk and Manager, Machinery of Government / Greffière adjointe et chef, appareil gouvernemental
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Anthony Gullone Team Lead, Correspondence / Chef d'équipe, correspondance
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Bryan J. Kozman Director, Economics and Justice / Directeur, économie et justice
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Charlotte Smaglinski Manager, Cabinet Office and Ministers' Staff Human Resources / Chef des ressources humaines du Bureau du Conseil des ministres et des bureaux des ministres
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Christopher Huey Manager and Secretary, Legislation and Regulations Committee / Chef et secrétaire, Comité des lois et des règlements
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Constantine S. Dmitriev Senior Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist / Spécialiste principal des affaires intergouvernementales
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Craig Mcfadyen Assistant Deputy Minister, Economics and Justice / Sous-ministre adjoint, économie et justice
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Craig Sumi Manager, Corporate Issues / Chef, étude des dossiers ministériels
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
David W. Plaxton Senior Project Manager / Chef de projet
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Debbie Conrad Assistant Deputy Minister, Communications / Sous-ministre adjointe, communications
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Diane Mcarthur Executive Lead, Secretariat for the Premier's Advisory Council on Government Assets / Directrice générale, Secrétariat du Conseil consultatif de la première ministre pour la gestion des biens provinciaux
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Ernie Bartucci Assistant Deputy Minister, Health, Social, Environment and National Institutions / Sous-ministre adjoint, santé, affaires sociales, environnement et institutions nationales
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Francis W. Parfitt Senior Intergovernmental Economist / Économiste principal, affaires intergouvernementales
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
James Scott-Vickers Deputy Clerk and Manager, Cabinet Operations / Greffier adjoint et chef, activités du Conseil des ministres
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Jamie L. Forrest Coordinator, Freedom of Information and Issues / Coordonnatrice des questions relatives à l'accès à l'information
Cabinet Office
earned in 2014
Jay Porter Director, Strategy and Results / Directeur, stratégies et résultats
Cabinet Office
Page 1 of 4 - Total result: 61
Published March 2015

Ontario Public Sector Salary Disclosure - Sunshine List 2015

The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 makes Ontario’s public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. The act requires organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario to make public, by March 31 each year, the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more in the previous calendar year.

At, we rank employees from organizations that received public funding from the Province of Ontario and earn over $100,000 per year, including total taxable benefits.

This year's sunshine list includes the top earners in Cabinet Office, including:

  • Top Salaries at Cabinet Office in the 2015 Sunshine List
  • Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre
  • Secretary of the Cabinet / Secrétaire du Conseil des ministres
  • Secretary of the Cabinet / Secrétaire du Conseil des ministres
  • Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre
  • Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre

2015 Ontario Sunshine List: Cabinet Office Top Earners

Every year, the Ontario government publishes its annual Sunshine List of public sector servants with six-figure salaries. According to the document, Cabinet Office's 61 staffers made the Sunshine List, earning total compensation of $8,773,641.39 in 2014.

At the top of the Cabinet Office Sunshine List

Topping the list for the Cabinet Office was Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre Saäd Rafi, who brought home $438,718.52 in 2014.

Following Saäd Rafi was Secretary of the Cabinet / Secrétaire du Conseil des ministres Peter Wallace, with annual earnings of $345,560.10. Secretary of the Cabinet / Secrétaire du Conseil des ministres Stephen Orsini made $294,639.65, Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre Lynn Betzner made $237,568.91, and Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre William Forward round out the top-five highest-paid employees with $232,729.40 for the Cabinet Office 2015 Sunshine List.

Breaking down the numbers

Among employees who received more than six-figure salaries in 2014, 22 received earnings between $100,000 and $110,000 followed by 24 who received between $110,001 and $150,000 , 8 received between $150,001 and $200,000 , 4 received between $200,001 and $250,000 , 1 received between $250,001 and $300,000 , and 2 received over $300,000 at the Cabinet Office.

  • Salary breakdown
  • 22 employees made between $100,000 to $110,000
  • 24 employees made between $110,000 to $150,000
  • 8 employees made between $150,000 to $200,000
  • 4 employees made between $200,000 to $250,000
  • 1 employee made between $250,000 to $300,000
  • 2 employees made more than $300,000

For a complete list of public sector employees who made the 2015 Sunshine List, go to Sunshine List 2015 Employees List. If you wish to analyze the list by the employer, go to Sunshine List 2015 Employers List.