Clara Finch Cruz

Clara Finch Cruz held the position of Associate - Physician at the Hamilton Health Sciences in 2002 and received an annual salary of $195,826.92 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2002

Salary: $195,826.92

Position: Associate - Physician

Employer: Hamilton Health Sciences

Category of Employment: Hospitals

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2002 $195,826.92 $917.31 N/A Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Associate - Physician at Hamilton Health Sciences in 2002

Name Salary Position Employer Year
FRANCO DENARDI $215,026.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
LEELAMMA ELAVATHIL $210,226.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
PETER POWERS $208,331.94 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
FRANCESCA LOBO $207,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
CLARA FINCH CRUZ $195,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
KATHERINE CHORNEYKO $195,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
CATHERINE HAYWARD $195,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
ALLAN LUXTON $195,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
CHITRA RAO $195,826.92 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002
JOHN PROVIAS $193,096.15 Associate - Physician Hamilton Health Sciences 2002