John Armstrong
John Armstrong held the position of Operations Manager / Chef des opérations at the Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in 2011 and received an annual salary of $130,999.18 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2011
Salary: $130,999.18
Position: Operations Manager / Chef des opérations
Employer: Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr.
Category of Employment: Government of Ontario : Ministries
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2011 | $130,999.18 | $485.92 | N/A | Operations Manager / Chef des opérations | Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. |
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Operations Manager / Chef des opérations at Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in 2011
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Operations Manager / Chef des opérations in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
BOB CROWELL | $109,156.01 | Operations Manager / Chef des opérations | Natural Resources / Richesses naturelles | 2011 |
DENIS BLAIS | $105,660.74 | Operations Manager / Chef des opérations | Government Services / Services gouvernementaux | 2011 |
BARRY KNIGHT | $104,886.79 | Operations Manager / Chef des opérations | Government Services / Services gouvernementaux | 2011 |
KATHLEEN DILLABOUGH | $103,655.94 | Operations Manager / Chef des opérations | Government Services / Services gouvernementaux | 2011 |
Top Salaries at Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in the 2012 Sunshine List
Chief Coroner / Coroner en chef$405,903.33
Chief Forensic Pathologist / Médecin légiste en chef$340,009.24
Forensic Pathologist / Médecin légiste$338,056.09
Rehabilitation Officer / Agent de réadaptation$311,280.65
Deputy Chief Coroner / Coroner en chef adjoint$304,420.04