Katherine Horgan

Katherine Horgan held the position of Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales in 2017 and received an annual salary of $114,226.92 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2017

Salary: $114,226.92

Position: Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement

Employer: Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales

Category of Employment: Government of Ontario - Ministries

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement at Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales in 2017

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Susan Grace Fraser $122,092.53 Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales 2017
Brandon Forrest $115,143.31 Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales 2017
Katherine Horgan $114,226.92 Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales 2017
Alison Coke $110,765.84 Manager, Local Government and Housing / Chef, administrations locales et hébergement Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales 2017
  • Top Salaries at Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministère des Affaires municipales in the 2018 Sunshine List
  • Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Ontario Growth Secretariat / Sous-ministre adjoint, Secrétariat des initiatives de croissance de l'Ontario
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Municipal Services Division / Sous-ministre adjointe, Division des services aux municipalités
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Local Government and Planning Policy / Sous-ministre adjointe, Division des administrations locales et des politiques d'aménagement
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Business Management Division / Sous-ministre adjoint, Division de la gestion des activités ministérielles