Kevin Christopher
Kevin Christopher held the position of Platoon Training Officer at the City Of Barrie in 2019 and received an annual salary of $126,446.47 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2019
Salary: $126,446.47
Position: Platoon Training Officer
Employer: City Of Barrie
Category of Employment: Municipalities & Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Kevin Christopher from 2009 to 2019 at City Of Barrie
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2019 | $126,446.47 | $639.27 | 2.8% | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Barrie |
2018 | $123,059.11 | $552.06 | 2.0% | Platoon Training officer | City of Barrie |
2017 | $120,629.68 | $530.37 | 1.1% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2016 | $119,352.84 | $959.21 | -1.5% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2015 | $121,162.33 | $891.09 | -13.4% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2014 | $139,942.94 | $472.92 | 26.6% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2013 | $110,543.88 | $401.97 | 1.0% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2012 | $109,405.91 | $378.18 | 1.6% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2011 | $107,665.41 | $355.80 | 2.4% | Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2010 | $105,125.66 | $355.80 | 0.9% | Fire Platoon Training Officer | City of Barrie |
2009 | $104,164.51 | $408.75 | N/A | Fire Training Officer | City of Barrie |
Kevin Christopher experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 2.35% from 2009 to 2019. The salary in 2019 reflects a raise of 21.39% compared to the salary in 2009.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Platoon Training Officer at City Of Barrie in 2019
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Kevin Christopher | $126,446.47 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Barrie | 2019 |
David Hendriks | $123,433.49 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Barrie | 2019 |
Sandford Stevens | $119,155.16 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Barrie | 2019 |
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Platoon Training Officer in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Shannon Nicholson | $144,262.16 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Cambridge | 2019 |
Chris O’Doherty | $140,780.92 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Cambridge | 2019 |
Mark Roberson | $132,136.07 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Cambridge | 2019 |
William J. Holman | $127,549.91 | Platoon Training Officer | City Of Cambridge | 2019 |
Top Salaries at City Of Barrie in the 2020 Sunshine List
Chief Administrative Officer$274,783.64
Deputy Chief$206,939.20
General Manager of Community and Corporate Services$200,963.72
General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management$198,295.30